‘Alter Ego’, 2006,
Okoemé, furniture nails, copper oxide and bitumen,
225 x 96 x 70 cm

Sjef Voets (1956, Goirle) studied at TeHaTex Tilburg, the teacher training college from 1976 to 1981. He currently lives and works in Tilburg. Voets does not have a strong preference for a particular material. He believes that with the right technique it is possible to capture in any material the things he has seen, heard, read or experienced. The idea he has is guided by the material, while the changes he makes to the material return to the original idea. He experiments with his ideas and materials to see if they embody the expressiveness he expects from a sculpture.

His sculptures are an outgrowth of his personality, but in the final form of the sculpture, he wants that emotional quality to transcend the strictly personal elements. In this sense, a good sculpture no longer needs its creator. Only then does a work become an autonomous object.

Voets has had solo exhibitions at Galerie Kokon in Tilburg, Galerie Tegenbosch in Heusden and Arti Capelli in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.