Galerie Fleur & Wouter: enter the dreamscape of Isa van Lier

At Galerie Fleur & Wouter on Amsterdam’s Van Ostadestraat, shoes are temporarily not welcome unless you cover them with shoe protectors at the entrance. Exchanging them for slippers is also an option. These precautions have been taken so that the crisp white floor of Isa van Lier’s temporary room-filling installation ‘Sowing Seeds’ remains white.

However, the bright white is broken up by the cheerful pastel colors of Van Lier’s paintings and ceramic sculptures. A small wall sculpture of a yellow-green snake greets you at the front door. Its cuteness and colourfulness appear to underpin the entire exhibition, which also features, for example, hearts, stars and a painting of a biscuit. All provided with smileys that happily smirk at you.

‘Welcome to Isa van Lier’s dream world,’ laughs Wouter van Herwaarden. Together with Fleur Feringa, he has owned the gallery since 2019. Connecting young people to art is their aim. All artists they work with share a great joy in creating. Their work is visually appealing, often colorful and always carries a deeper meaning.

Curious about the story behind Isa van Lier’s ‘Sowing Seeds’? Or about Carmen Schabracq, the artist whose work Galerie Fleur & Wouter will show at this year’s KunstRAI? Watch the interview with the gallery owners below (Dutch).

Galerie Fleur & Wouter, 11 March to 9 April 2023.

Image on the left: Carmen Schabracq, Boschi, 2022, tempera and acrylic on linen, 100 x 70 cm.