For KunstRAI 2025, 25 participating galleries will set up solo stands alongside their stands. These presentations will highlight the work of one artist. With solo stands, KunstRAI aims to encourage the public to immerse themselves in the work of a single artist.
The solo stands are dedicated to:
Gustav Sundin by Galerie Mokum
Takeru Amano by Sato Gallery
Vera Gulikers by ROOF-A Gallery
Hans van Asch by Gallery Untitled
Maura Polano by ARTINFECTED
Pim Velthuizen and Catrinus Spinder by Galerie De Roos van Tudor
Martin Copier by Gallery40NL
Leonie Molenaar by Kunstconsult 20th Century Art | Objects
Isabelle Dyckerhoff by Contempo
Christoph Dahlhausen by Youngcollectors
Carlos Peñalver by Chiefs and Spirits
Marc Mulders by Galerie DOM’ARTE
Conbulius by Galerie Post + García
Bas Meeuws by Per van der Horst
Eelke van Willegen by Galerie Franzis Engels
Erik Buijs by Galerie Huub Hannen
Jeroen Henneman and Klaas Gubbels by Wonderwood
André van Lier by Broft Gallery
Schilte&Portielje by Kahmann Gallery
Lisette Schumacher by Root Gallery
Martijn Hesseling by Rademakers Gallery (Amsterdam)